Tom Howland
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Let's enumerate some of the ways out of this mess
as long as individuals are compelled to rent themselves on the market to those who are willing to hire them, as long as their role in production is simply that of ancillary tools, then there are striking elements of coercion and oppression that make talk of democracy very limited, if even meaningful.
-- Chomsky
Amazing case study: Rojava.
Vast trove: Democracy At Work
Marcora Law
The Italian law that promotes worker-owned co-ops
Right of First Refusal
The law proposed by Jeremy Corbin enabling workers to buy their place of employment.
the German law requiring 50% of the board of directors of big companies being elected by the workers. I suspect that is a big reason Germany is the manufacturing center of Europe.
[ America Means Civil Liberties / Patriotism is Protecting Them / ]      vote your hopes instead of your fears: Instant Runoff Voting (specifically Condorcet Voting with Clone Proof Schwartz Sequential Dropping Cyclic Ambiguity Resolution ("majority prefers" is not transitive)). For example: do you prefer Ham, Spam, or Jam?

Tom Howland <>

Last modified: Mon Dec 22 19:07:38 PST 2003